Hormones | Gut health | metabolism

A functional nutrition assessment & testing can determine what’s really going on with your health.

Instead of trying to improve your health by “just eating healthy” or taking random supplements, let’s take a targeted approach. Whether your goal is to balance hormones, regulate blood sugar, fix digestive issues, or improve your relationship with food; functional testing and personalized nutrition counseling can help you reach your goals.

If you are looking for a healthcare practitioner to listen, take your symptoms seriously, advocate for you, and partner with you to provide targeted interventions, then you are in the right place!

I am passionate about personalized nutrition because general wellness advice is problematic—your needs are unique, so picking a random wellness principle for yourself is unhelpful. Functional testing allows you to discover nutrient deficiencies, or see what’s actually going on with your hormones or gut microbiome, for example. With actual data, we can choose targeted interventions based on a root-cause approach, not just band-aids.

I initially on a more “conventional” path and was planning to become a Registered Dietitian and I was skeptical about functional nutrition. Later, I learned that there’s more to gut health than just taking a probiotic, and discovered that we can actually alter hormone pathways, egg quality, and sperm health through nutrition and lifestyle.

Kelli specializes in nutrition for

  • Metabolic Health

    Insulin resistance, Inflammation, High cholesterol, Diabetes, Autoimmune conditions

  • Gut Health

    IBS, IBD, SIBO, GERD, constipation, diarrhea, Celiac disease

  • Hormone health

    Hyper/hypothyroidism, PCOS, HA, estrogen dominance, menopause

  • Fertility

    Improve egg quality, sperm health, hormones, and uterine environment

  • Pregnancy

    Pregnancy-safe foods, Nausea/morning sickness, Nutrient adequacy, Gestational Diabetes

  • Postpartum & infancy

    Postpartum recovery, Breastfeeding, Baby-led weaning, Food allergies

Don’t Just Guess!

Whether you have a health condition or a specific goal, self-diagnosing and self-prescribing a dietary plan and supplements from a Google search is not the best strategy. Many diets are too restrictive, and following them long-term can lead to nutrient deficiencies. Supplements can be a great addition, but sometimes they do more harm than good, and can even push things in the wrong direction. Or, they might fix one problem and create another.