Why Work With a Nutritionist if You’re Planning for a Baby
Evidence has shown that what you do (and eat) in the ~4 months prior to conceiving affects the health of your eggs and is correlated with the likelihood of a successful pregnancy and health of your baby.
Ongoing digestive issues (such as IBS) can negatively impact your absorption of vitamins and minerals. The body does not prioritize reproduction, so low vitamin and/or mineral status can affect your chances of conception as well as the health of your baby.
Hormones are significantly influenced by what we eat and drink, supplements we take, and lifestyle factors. Even if you are getting a regular period, there may be things going on behind the scenes preventing conception.
Being underweight is actually a higher risk factor for infertility than being overweight
If you’ve had ongoing digestive issues and you’ve been (unsuccessfully) trying to conceive, you may want to consider working with a nutritionist. Oftentimes, resolving these issues resolves the increases fertility!
Lastly, IVF is a huge undertaking, so it might be worth doing some basic blood work on vitamin D levels, thyroid, and a DUTCH (comprehensive hormone test) to figure out the root cause of the issue.